Fashion Health

You don’t wear bra while staying at home, do you?

Are there many women don’t want to wear underwear while staying at home? Most of us knows that if we don’t wear a bra for a long time will hurt our breast, and actually there are many bad habits will hurt too.


1.The bra doesn’t have enough support

Some busty women often choose wirefree bra in pursuit of comfort. In fact, it is not enough support for your breast in a long time, Especially for the women who is E, F, G, H, I cup …It is best to choose to wear under and under rims alternately.

Does everyone have such kind of an experience, the chest often runs to both sides, or it is easy to pull to the side when sleeping. This also has a bad effect on sagging chests and dilation. I don’t recommend wearing underwire bra for sleeping, but there are many comfortable sleeping bras for women to choose.

wire-free bra

2. Don’t wear sport bras

If you can’t go out sometimes, many women are very disciplined and choose to do exercise at home. Please don’t think you don’t need to wear sports bra at this time. To know that the cartilage of the bust is muscle-less, it is mainly supported by the suspension ligament of the breast, because it will swing in the shape of “∞” as shown in the figure below when doing exercise.

Even though you are A cup, the swing of the breast is still large. The breast ligament is like a rubber band, if you pull it often, it will become more and more loose, causing the chest to sag.

sport bras

3. Choosing the wrong size

Some women do n’t know their size exactly when choosing bras, and buying the wrong bra size not only makes your breasts sag, but also false breast milk. It is important to learn to choose the right bra size.

We used to posted a lot of related content for how to choose the right size, and some women do not pay attention to adjusting the shoulder straps, which is also a very bad habit that make your breast don’t have good support all days.

wire-free bras

So we should protect your breasts well although we stay at home, What other bad habits also will cause the chest sag, and what methods can protect the chest well, everyone can leave a message to us!

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